Join us for our first-ever, online Art & Craft Auction!
June 21 – 30, 2021

** Bet Am Shalom Fundraiser **

The Bet Am Shalom Art & Craft Auction is a natural extension of our community’s meaningful involvement with the arts. Whether supporting artists during our annual Judaica Craft Show, featuring our own artists at Bet Am Shalom’s onsite Art Gallery, singing with our Shirat Ha’am Choir or listening to stories written by congregants in our Writer’s Workshop, we are a community deeply committed to the visual and performing arts.


Hear from congregant artists on the Auction site. Samples below:

● View and purchase artwork created and donated by more than 20 BAS congregants
● Using a wide variety of mediums from paint to textiles to wood to photography, congregants’ works of art demonstrate the immense creativity of the Bet Am Shalom community
● The auction was lovingly curated by Paula Markowitz Wittlin
● Thank you for logging on and supporting the Bet Am Shalom Art & Craft Auction
All proceeds from this unique fundraiser will be donated to Bet Am Shalom

Enjoy this opportunity to forge a meaningful connection with a BAS member by placing a work of their art in your home.