Second Night Seder

Join Rabbi Bronstein and Cantor Schiller for a virtual Second Night Seder. Sign on at 5:45 PM and get settled on Zoom.  We will begin PROMPTLY at 6:00 PM. 6:45 – 7:30 PM break for eating in our homes Conclusion of Seder, 7:30-8:15 PM Zoom registration required. Zoom link (along with A Night of Questions- […]

Tu B’Shevat

Click here to discover ways to celebrate Tu B'Shevat with your family.

Tisha b’Av Service via ZOOM

Minyan/Shacharit service, with prayers and readings for Tisha B’Av. See Weekly Calendar or Members side of the website for Zoom link.  

Adult Bible Study: Community Study of the Book of Lamentations

The Adult Bible Study Group invites the Congregation to its annual study of a portion of the Book of Lamentations to commemorate Tisha b’Av. Hybrid (In-person and Zoom). Members see the Weekly Calendar or the Members side of the website for Zoom link. Questions?

Kol Nidrey

High Holy Days information

Lulav & Etrog Pick Up

Pick up your PRE-ORDERED Lulav & Etrog. Cost: $42/set The Lulavim come from Israel, and this ancient mitzvah also helps the current Israeli economy. ALL SETS MUST BE ORDERED BY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. Additional pickup day Sunday, October 9, 9:00am - 12:00pm. Questions?

Sukkah Decorating

Drop in to join in the decorating.  No registration required. Light refreshments will be on hand. Contributions of hydrangea are welcome, too. Questions?