Struggle to Save Ethiopian Jewry (SSEJ)

During the evening of April 3, 2022, Bet Am Shalom members had the opportunity to learn about the work of SSEJ (Struggle to Save Ethiopian Jewry) and the horrible suffering our kin in Ethiopia are still suffering. Sheri Perlman arranged to have a panel of leaders speak, including our own Rabbi Les Bronstein, Jeremy Feit (President of SSEJ), and Howard Rieger (former head of the United Jewish Council which is now Jewish Federations of North America). Asiam-Warque Davidian, who along with Kobi Davidian directed the 2022 film, With No Land provided a pre-recorded message. There was ample opportunity for Q & A from attendees. A brief film showing the hunger and dire living conditions of Jews in Ethiopia was shown. We were all urged to contribute to SSEJ (there is a link on our website) and encourage our local Federation to become more proactive in helping Ethiopian Jewry immigrate to Israel.