Green Chevra Vine-Cutting

The Green Chevra Organized a Tu B’Shevat Vine Cutting Event along the Bronx River Parkway in North White Plains. Bob DelTorto, of Bronx River Parkway Reservation, taught the group why vine-cutting is important for the survival of trees, and how to be safe recognizing and managing dangerous, invasive plants. Participants wore gardening gloves, warm jackets, long pants and sturdy shoes. BRPR supplied loppers and clippers and Bet Am supplied donuts. BASers who cut the vines of invasive plants along the Bronx River Parkway were Judy Zingher, Peter Jaskow, Evan Rosen, Felicia Lebewohl Rosen, Gillian Friedlander, David Peck, Peter Ackerman, Vickie Greif & Arel Greif, Ira Nash, Andrew Swerdlove and Marge Pavlov.