During the evening of May 4, 2024, the BAS Spielers presented PARTING SHOTS SPIEL-TROSPECTIVE. The song list was a tribute(?) to our Rabbi and Cantor, and was outrageously funny. Eric Levine, Mindy Ackerman, Louise Yanuck and Lois Gartenberg took photographs during the program and rehearsals so you can vicariously enjoy the fun. Richard Woodrow and Saul Spangenberg played the piano, qnd of course, Barry Presser played the drums. Simon Aronin projected lyrics to the songs so the packed crowd could sing along, and Steven Hoffman video’d the program to save it for eternity. The cast: Mindy Ackerman, Peter Ackerman, Rosie Aronin, Laurie Bass, Liz Belsky, John Cromwell, Hanna Dolins, Cynthia Ehrenkrantz, Josie Ganek, Lois Gartenberg, Elise Goldman, Dan Heyman, Claudia Jaffe, Maris Krasnow, Anne Moses, Vicky Presser, Andrea Ritchen, David Schiff, Ilene Semiatin, Alan Septimus, Maxine Sugarman, Laura Rotter, Merrill Rotter, Charlou Woodrow and Louis Yanuck. Applause for all!