A Scrapbook for Les and Benjie

Our Bet Art Shalom Gallery has opened a new exhibit, A Scrapbook for Les and Benjie. The Grand Opening festivities were held the evening of May 8th and were very well attended. The refreshments (including Prosecco) were abundant and the good feelings were overflowing. Benjie did not stop smiling for a moment! The exhibit is open any time you are in the shul, so please come by and be prepared to spend some time. There are about 600 photographs, text contributions from many congregants and a video created by Steven Hoffman that is so worth viewing. You will most likely want to come back several times to absorb the bounty in the Gallery. There is even a handmade book, created by Ingrid Botschen, where you can write your own message to Les and/or Benjie. Photographs of the May 8th festivities seen here were taken by Michael Palmer, Eric Levine and Paula Markowitz Wittlin. (please note: When you try to enlarge the photos, some may not open. We are working on this.)