Annual Congregational Meeting June 17, 2024

Our Annual Congregational Meeting, which took place during the evening of June 17, 2024, was more emotional than usual. Knowing that it was the last meeting for our beloved rabbi and cantor, in those roles at Bet Am (NOT their last meeting at Bet Am!) was difficult for all. A slideshow prepared by Steven Hoffman encouraged us to handle their retirement with joy; we are trying. We began with a Niggun by Cantor Benjie Ellen Schiller, followed by a welcome by our Chairperson of the Board, Terri Simon.Secretary Rosie Aronin humorously had us approve the minutes from last year’s annual meeting, and Harry Waizer introduced our new slate of Trustees and Officers, and led our election of those individuals. President Jon Gerstel announced the re-appointment of our Marketing & Communications Chair and and our Program Chair, as well as our School Board Chair and members. Terri Simon read a proposed change to our by-laws, bringing the School Board composition from 13 to 11 members. This will be voted on by the congregation at a future meeting. Howard Rattner than gave his Financial Officer’s report and presented the budget for the upcoming year. Joy Brownstein introduced (but not in person)the Interim Rabbi we will be welcoming mid-July, Re Rosalind Glazer. Due to a rash of COVID infections, Jon Gerstel read both Barbara Aloni’s update on our Interim Cantor and Lisa Jacobs’ report on Education and Family Engagement. Jon then thanked departing officers and gave his own report. Our Rabbi, Les Bronstein, gave a very warm farewell to our outgoing president, Jon Gerstel and in return Jon gave a beautiful farewell to our outgoing clergy. Rabbi Fredda Cohen then gave a beautiful and very moving blessing to both Benjie and Les, followed by emotional hugs.Our Rabbi and Cantor then gave a Mi Sheberach for the congregation and then our Cantor finished the meeting with a closing Niggun.