Women in the Bible

Congregants and guests are invited to join the third season of David Badain’s Sunday morning summer series Women in the Bible Through the Lens of Midrash. Each session is free-standing and does not assume attendance at any prior session. No prior participation in the class or knowledge of the text or Hebrew is required. All texts are in English. The first four sessions this summer all focus on women traditionally associated with particular holidays: Ruth and Naomi (Shavuot) was on June 2. Judith (Chanukah), pictured here courtesy of Lois Gartenberg, was held on June 23. Yiftach’s Daughter (Chanukah) will be held on July 14. Esther and Vashti will be studied on July 21. The last two sessions will focus on Eve on August 4 and Rebekah on August 11. Each session meets on a Sunday morning from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.